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Screener Squad: Moloch

Moloch Movie Review


Ah, Holland, the land of tulips, higher scores in all measures of quality of life than the U.S. and… generational curses? Betriek (Sallie Harmsen), a widowed mother, who lives in a village near the edge of a peat bog, is surprised one night to discover an intruder in the home she shares with her parents. His appearance seems to coincide with a nearby archeological dig that has just uncovered several bog bodies – all women, and all with vertically slit throats. Soon, a young girl gives her a mysterious message in an elevator, Betriek’s daughter draws a picture of a terrifying woman, the kids in the village put on a festival pageant about a legendary murder that might tie into the events in Betriek’s life, and then things get really weird. Wright takes a trip overseas, accompanied by Chad and Lewayne, as they try to unravel Nico van den Brink’s newest film, Moloch, which streams on Shudder July 21. The guys discuss folk horror, progressive children’s plays, sugar packets, and whether this flick is a hit, or should be sacrificed to some dark entity in a nearby bog.


DIRECTED BY: Nico van den Brink

STARRING: Anneke Blok, Johan Fretz, Fred Goessens, Markoesa Hamer, Sallie Harmsen, Willemijn Kressenhof, Phi Nguyen, Edon Rizvanolli, Albert Secuur, Brent van Baardwijk, Noor van der Velden, Ad van Kempen, Alexandre Willaume, Jack Wouterse




” width=Wright Sulek (Screener Squad, Digital Noise, Highly Suspect Reviews, Trash in the Can, Audio Editor)

Wright hails from the northern suburbs of Dallas, Texas. His passion for filmmaking brought him to Austin to study and make movies. Since then he’s had his hand in acting, writing, and directing his own short films with numerous like-minded film geeks he’s met along his journey. His newest interest has brought him into the podcasting world. He co-hosted a few different movie related podcasts such as ‘And Now This’ and ‘The Match Cut’. He currently co-hosts with longtime friend, Eric Samaniego, where they talk shop about the grimiest, trashiest, lost gems of movies on their show, ‘Trash in the Can’. Wright also guests and hosts reviews on Screener Squad and Highly Suspect Reviews as well as co-hosts Digital Noise with Chris Cox.



Chad Halvorsen (Screener Squad)

Chad Halvorsen currently resides in Milwaukee, WI, where he produces and edits commercials, films, and everything in between. He was always a fan of film/television growing up, spending days in the Summer, making (terrible) home movies with his brothers. Little did he know that passion would carry on into adulthood. Since 2006, Chad has worked for several agencies in various departments. Shooting, producing, editing, production management, directing, and when forced to, writing copy. In 2015, Chad decided to take the big leap and become a freelancer. Since then, he’s produced content for Lyft, AT&T, Target, and Discovery Network. His passion lies in entertaining people, making them feel better, even for a moment. All the pain and suffering of this business is worth it, if even just one person views his work. Chad is a frequent podcaster, most notably posing as a co-host for the podcast “The Film Illogical Society.”



Lewayne White (Screener Squad)

Lewayne’s earliest memories are of watching movies and reading comics, which instilled in him a sense of wonder, a vivid imagination, and unrealistic expectations. It also means he spends a lot of time watching movies, writing scripts for them, and trying to get them made. He lives in the middle of middle America after landing there as a child, and has remained there mainly because he hates packing.




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