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One_of_Us_NerdWe are The US

We are one

Geeks of the world, unite!

For too long, the geek community has been divided into factions, and the internet has furthered this division by dedicating sites to just one subset or another.

We don’t believe in leaving you out. We’re not going to tell you if you’re ‘cool’ or ‘uncool’ based on what you’re passionate about. We believe in mutual respect and sharing our geekdoms with each other. We believe in having a hell of a good time. Does this sound like you?

In that case, you are ONE OF US.

We hope to be entertaining as well as cultivating a spirit of community and inclusion. We will be your one-stop hub for all the geeky passions. And we’re always looking for more folks to join us, to tell us about what they care about, and maybe even to start their own shows on our network about whatever we may have missed.

Just how much new content we bring you, and how often we roll out new features, depends on you. We built this site for you guys, the US, and we will need your support to continue to provide you with content. But we need your help: that’s what that sidebar for subscribers is for! Support by a donation or with a subscription that comes with lots of bonus shows and extras in our forums.

For our part, we’ll strive to bring you the very best in unique, entertaining, and engaging features as well as hopefully putting together site-related events.

Got questions? Comments? Suggestions? Critiques? Haikus? Challenges to Mortal Kombat?  Please post feedback in any and all posts as well as email us at

Are you in? Are you ready to join…US?


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