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Mind Crafts Episode 2: How to Make a Gus a.k.a “Sweet Tooth” Costume

::Sigh:: Every November I get a little a down. I mean, it’s another 11 months until the most magical time of the year: Halloween! And this year? I had a blast. (OMG it was horrifying!) I ate candy, I went to parties, I noted the glitter bats and pumpkins that my co-workers festively scattered in my cube, and I honored our Dark Lord with viewings of a couple of not-so-oldies, but goodies, like Cabin Fever, The Descent, and Jun-On. Yeah, it was another HORRIBLE year! But now? It’s time to get back to business. Besides, I’ve missed you guys.

In today’s episode, I’ll walk you through how I made my Halloween costume: Gus, from Jeff Lemire‘s 2010-2013 comic Sweet Tooth. This tutorial will  be handy for anyone making a costume that involves horns or ears, which I’m pretty sure is everyone.

How to Make a Gus a.k.a “Sweet Tooth” Costume


This year, I went as Gus, from Sweet Tooth. Sweet Tooth chronicles the misadventures of Gus, a young deer-boy hybrid, meeting the — disease-ridden, violent, post-apocalyptic — world for the first time. (It’s kind of like the Wonder Years, if Winnie was part pig, Paul was a murdering drifter with a heart of gold, and everyone else was basically dead.) All of Sweet Tooth is available in six trade paperbacks, and I highly recommend it. I’ve also been enjoying Lemire’s Trillium, which has four monthly issues available.

As always, if you use any of the techniques, post pics! And if you have questions or advice, hit us up in the comments. You can also send us pics of or questions about any of your nerdy endeavors on our Facebook, or email us at (No seriously, we want to answer your letters in a hilarious and heart-warming segment called “Mind Crafts Mail Bag.”)


Interested in Sweet Tooth? Buy the Comic here!

Sweet Tooth 1