Movie Review: ‘The LEGO Movie’
Did they really make a movie based on…? I mean we know Hollywood is creatively bankrupt, but come on! How could anyone possibly make a… Read More »Movie Review: ‘The LEGO Movie’
Did they really make a movie based on…? I mean we know Hollywood is creatively bankrupt, but come on! How could anyone possibly make a… Read More »Movie Review: ‘The LEGO Movie’
It shouldn’t be too laborious to get up off your keister and see the new film written and directed by Jason Reitman, right? I mean,… Read More »Movie Review: Labor Day
Ralph Fiennes apparently has a knack for the double duty on set, as once again he stands in front of and behind the camera on… Read More »Movie Review: The Invisible Woman
Man, there is just nothing I love more than a good heist movie. So many classics in the genre. Oh wait, there’s a new one?… Read More »Movie Review: The Nut Job
Ice Cube takes Kevin Hart along for a ride from Fantastic Four director (not the new and hopefully good one) Tim Story, and you all… Read More »Movie Review: Ride Along
Paramount goes back to the beginning (as is the trend lately with franchise characters) with an actor who’s already used to doing exactly that, Chris… Read More »Movie Review: ‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit’
Hercules. Child of the king of the gods. A symbol for strength and accomplishment. Why did they hire Kellan Lutz to play him again? Ok,… Read More »Movie Review: The Legend of Hercules
Martin, Chris, Ashley and JC all are deep in the shit of Oscar season reviews. Although they all agree that the Mark Wahlberg-starring “Lone Survivor”… Read More »Movie Review: Lone Survivor
Ben Stiller fantasizes about being a better film director in this adaptation of James Thurber’s beloved short story, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”. Stiller… Read More »Movie Review: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Finally, proof that not only white people are dumb in horror movies. The Paranormal Activity series spawns a spin-off in this Latino side-story to the… Read More »Movie Review: Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones