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Wayward Podcast

World_Of_UScast_frame_texture2Hosts: Toshihisa “Toshi” Nakamura & Sarah DeVour

Part of One Of Us’ hostile global takeover, the World of USCast’s the Wayward Podcast is the Japan-centric podcast that talks about the hit TV show Supernatural. Wait, what? Well, the “Japan-centric” part is true. Join hosts Toshi and Sarah as they talk about the culture shock of life in Japan, Japanese geekery, and many more of their favorite topics (including the hit TV show Supernatural).
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UsCast200x200Episode 41: The Popularity Schism

Toshi and Richard are back and addressing a rather interesting listener question this episode. The topic: the differences in series popularity between Japan and the West. We talk about several series that have had a huge cultural impact in the Western world, but are little more than a footnote in the country where they were created and theorize as to why.

Also, sadly, due to job conflicts, Richard will not be able to record new episodes for the time being. So, while Toshi frantically scrambles for a new co-host, the Wayward Podcast is going to be put on temporary hiatus. But fear not! You haven’t heard the last of us yet…

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UsCast200x200Episode 40: Covering a Franchise Part Tres

It’s taken three episodes, but finally Toshi and Richard complete their coverage of the Gundam franchise. After some intro discussions we go on to talk about Richard’s favorite series, Gundam SEED and its sequel, Gundam SEED Destiny, as well as Gundam 00, Gundam Age, Gundam Build Fighters, and Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans. It’s a vast, ever-expanding franchise, but hopefully it won’t be so alien any more.

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UsCast200x200Episode 39: Covering a Franchise Part Deus

Richard and some idiot who can’t remember Gary Oldman’s name (Toshi) return to talk about giant robots. While last time we discussed what is considered the “main Gundam universe,” the Universal Century timeline, this time it’s all about the alternate universes. In this episode we cover the three “letter” series, G Gundam, Gundam W, and Gundam X, three series that are a trilogy in their own right and pretty much defined all the other alternate universe series.

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UsCast200x200Episode 38: Covering a Franchise Pt 1

Giant robots. If your a fan of anything Japanese, the topic has inevitably come up at some point. Richard and Toshi sit down to tackle Japan’s most famous giant robot franchise, Gundam. Of course, with so many individual Gundam series to cover, even just scratching the surface will take more time than we have at hand. So in this episode, we only go over the main “Universal Century” group of series with the alternate universe series saved for next episode.

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UsCast200x200Episode 37: The Magical Girl to End All Magical Girls

Magical girls! Whether you think the concept is interesting, fascinating, overdone, or just plain stupid, we have a series that’s worth checking out. Richard and Toshi sit down to talk about the deepest and best deconstruction of the genre. Spoiler talk goes pretty in depth so be warned.

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UsCast200x200Episode 36: Thesis of a Cruel Angel

Richard and Toshi sit down and talk at length about the game-changing anime, Evangelion and why you should watch it. Things get carried away as we discuss just what a revolution the series was and its effect on everything that came after. Considering how we spend nearly an hour and a half talking about it, we manage to go surprisingly spoiler-free. There are mild spoilers, but most of what is said is necessary to know going in.

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UsCast200x200Episode 35: El Psy Congroo

Toshi and Richard are back again, and this time they’re discussing one of their favorite game/anime series of all time, Steins; Gate, and further perpetuate the theory that time travel makes everything better. We give a fairly spoiler-free introduction for anyone who might be sensitive to things like that, and then go head long into in depth plot reveals afterwards. Spoiler talks start at the Hour and 14 minute mark.

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UsCast200x200Episode 34: No Fate/ But What We Make

We’re trying something new this time. Toshi and Richard sit down to talk about the recent goings on in Japan and actually have a topic to discuss. In the first half, they talk about the recent developments with the Japanese boy band, SMAP, and the production company behind them, the evil incarnate that is, Johnny’s Entertainment.

In the second half, Toshi and Richard talk about the Japanese game/anime Fate/stay night, and why you might want to check it out some time.

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UsCast200x200Episode 33: For a New Generation

So, 2016 is upon us. And what better way to start off the new year than by talking about shit from last year? Richard Eisenbeis of joins Toshi as they talk extensively about Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens because it’s a new Star Wars and everybody on the site needs to get their two cents in. If you’ve seen the movie, or haven’t and don’t mind spoilers up the wazoo, give us a listen!

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UsCast200x200Episode 32: The Pink Slip

Things have been somewhat rocky as Toshi finds himself recently unemployed. But not everything’s doom and gloom! This episode, Sarah joins in from across the pond to talk recent doings, Star Wars, and other random oddities

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UsCast200x200Episode 31: Simulate This!

Kat is back and she and Toshi have some catching up to do. The two sit down to talk about simulation games, lost data, international travel, the Japanese version of a Western theme park and more! Check it out!

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UsCast200x200Episode 30: Dude, Spoilers

A short episode today as Toshi and Richard sit down to talk about things going on in Japan, but first, they discuss a massive spoiler in the new Star Wars trailers (relatively, depending).

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UsCast200x200Episode 29: Not Fantastic Fest, Final Fantasy

It’s Fantastic Fest! So Toshi and Richard sit down to talk about video games, because that’s what they do.

Topics this week include Final Fantasy in general, Metal Gear and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

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UsCast200x200Episode 28: The Gears of Metal

When Toshi and Richard sat down to record, the intention was to talk about video games in general, but with the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, then ended up spending half the time talking about their recent digital addiction.

They do manage to talk about video games a bit.

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UsCast200x200Episode 27: I AM Iron Man

Kat, Tony, and Toshi sit down this episode to talk about air conditioning, vacationing on a remote Japanese island, Comic Market and a DIY cooling shirt, and more!

Massive spoiler talk for Mad Max: Fury Road and Terminator Genesys start at around 1:15:30.

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UsCast200x200Episode 26: The Word You’re Looking For is ‘Reputation’

Kat and Toshi sit down to talk about Mad Max: Fury Road… Actually, they don’t, because someone who WANTS to talk about it *cough*Tony*cough* is currently out of the country. So they make do with talking about random stuff from Japan’s anti-movie piracy ad to bits of Toshi’s history, learning Japanese, Fuji Rock Festival, Japan’s insane Summer heat, the death of Nintendo President, Satoru Iwata, Konami (again), and video games. Also, stick around to the end to hear about another celebrity encounter by our own Sarah!

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UsCast200x200Episode 25: Guys Just Chillin’

Toshi and Tony sit down after three weeks to talk about the goings on. It’s a rather low key episode this time. Toshi makes a tortured analogy comparing Avengers 2 to Mad Max: Fury Road (it sounded all right in my head. Honest), Konami messes shit up in one of the only market they’ve got left, Allison Road. Other topics of discussion are had while Tony empties a bottle of wine and Toshi whines about his back. Give it a listen!

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UsCast200x200Episode 24: And In The News

Toshi, Kat, and Tony sit down to talk about things going on with sprinklings of personal opinion within. Topics covered include Konami and its fucking up/over of its franchises, Sony’s unauthorized editing of Chappie, Japan’s weakness to cyber crime and crime in general in Japan. Pretty serious stuff, but we manage to sprinkle in some jokes to keep it light-hearted. Have a listen and enjoy!

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UsCast200x200Episode 23: The Ghost Upgraded

Tony, the voice from back in Episode 10 has returned for a one on one talk with Toshi about things like beer (what is this, an episode of The Beerists?), energy conservation, in depth on Japan’s manga system, and other random stuff. Enjoy!

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UsCast200x200Episode 22: It Thinks It’s People

A somewhat short podcast this episode as Toshi is joined by his good friend and fellow Kotaku writer, Richard and another unexpected guest, Renn.

Join them as they graze the interesting topic of being a gaijin in Japan…Yeah.

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UsCast200x200Episode 21: Oh, Will Smith. What Happened?

Thought you’d heard the last of Sarah? Fear not, true believer! Thanks to the magic of the interwebs and audio editing software, Sarah returns from across the sea to regale us with tales of her leaving Japan!

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UsCast200x200Episode 20: Carry on Wayward Daughter

Kat joins once again as the podcast goes somewhat dark, starting off with an important announcement, we discuss cats, allergies, and gay rights before delving into issues of terrorism, hostage murder, and other depressing stuff.

But it’s not all doom and gloom, things pick up towards the end where we talk movies and top it off with Supernatural talk (which Kat is totally not a fan of).

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UsCast200x200Episode 19: The Kat is Back

Our good friend Kat returns for the first time since Episode 10. Chaos ensues. In this episode, we talk about Sarah’s movie, The Bloody Knockers, Disney, subtitling, The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies, and a dash of Supernatural (of course). Plus, we even get to answer a fan question!

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UsCast200x200Episode 18: This Time Around It’ll Be Better

2015 has begun and the first thing Sarah and Toshi do is take a look back at 2014! Toshi talks movies while Sarah talks about her best experience in 2014… that happened about 2 weeks ago…

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UsCast200x200Episode 17: This One’s For Eli

Thanksgiving (what’s that?) is over and now it’s the Christmas (ugh) season! Sarah and Toshi are back to talk about the holiday spirit in Japan and mostly share their childhood memories and love for… Jim Henson?

Note: This episode contains spoilers for The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, The Never Ending Story and The Christmas Toy.

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UsCast200x200Episode 16: The Road to 200

It’s a (relatively) shorter episode this time. Supernatural has had its 200th episode, so naturally Toshi and Sahar must talk about it. But first, Sarah is mad about it and shares why, while Toshi hijacks the podcast for an unsolicited movie review on a Japanese movie that’s apparently going to be getting a Spielberg remake.

Note: This episode contains very, very minor spoilers for The Walking Dead and massive spoilers for to 200th episode of Supernatural. Supernatural talk begins at the 52:30 mark.

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UsCast200x200Episode 15: I Got A Rock

Halloween is almost upon us! What? It’s already over? Shut up, we recorded this before that. Sarah and Toshi are back to discuss the spooky season in Japan. Well, sort of. We do get to talk Halloween stuff, but we’re mostly waylaid by geek talk, as is what usually happens…

Note: This episode contains some very minor spoilers for The Walking Dead, some talk about the Marvel movies and franchise, and big spoilers for Supernatural. Supernatural talk starts at about the 1 hour 7 minute mark.

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UsCast200x200Episode 14: The Heat of the Moment

The new season of “Supernatural” has started, so there’s no way we couldn’t talk about it! Join Sarah and Toshi as they discuss in depth the first two episodes of “Supernatural” season 10 and very little else. Warning: If you’re not a “Supernatural” fan, this’ll probably bore you. Note: This episode contains spoilers for Cargil’s movie, “Sinister”, “Watchmen”, and of course, “Supernatural”.

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UsCast200x200Episode 13: Ears and Balls

While Toshi and Sarah are anxiously awaiting the start of the 10th season of Supernatural, they sit down to talk about things going on in their lives in Japan. From talks of online creeps to the topic of natural disasters in Japan, and a trip to Tokyo Disneyland; join us for the ride, why don’t you?

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UsCast200x200Episode 12: Vid’ya Games

Have you heard ’bout them kids an’ their “vid’ya games?”

The Wayward Duo is back and this episode they talk about video games — or rather, Toshi chatters on about Tokyo Game Show while Sarah sits there and agrees with her eyes glazed over. Fun times.

Topics covered: Final Fantasy XV, Metal Gear Solid V, Silent Hills, and other assorted subjects.

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UsCast200x200Episode 11: Playing Ketchup

Japan’s rainy season has been over, but that hasn’t stopped it from raining on and off for the past week or so. Sarah and Toshi are back to catch up on what’s been going on, from Japan’s dengue fever epidemic to things you shouldn’t do a Google image search for! In this episode we talk about the playable teaser, P.T., House of CardsDoctor Who, and other random tangential topics.Empty Space

UsCast200x200Episode 10: A Ghost in the Room

In this episode, we’ve brought on special guest, Kat, to talk about interpersonal relationships between different races. We even get a few comments from a ghost in the room.  The conversation is cut a little short (relatively speaking) due to time constraints, but not before Sarah and Kat get to talk about their latest scare…Empty Space

UsCast200x200Episode IX: The Hunting Trip

Scheduling conflicts and an unexpected hunting trip for Sarah have forced Toshi to fly solo, seeking the aid of his good friend Jeff for a downbeat conversation about life in Japan. Jeff, who has lived in Japan for 17 years has lots to share of his experiences, so listen well, those of you who would seek to move to the Land of the Rising Sun.Empty Space

UsCast200x200Episode VIII: Don’t Eat The Chicken

As Summer beats us over the head, it’s another episode of the Wayward Podcast! This time, we’re taking on the dreaded topic of anime (“dreaded” because Chris notoriously hates does not watch anything non-Studio Ghibli).

If you’re here to listen to us squee over your favorite shows, sorry, but there’s very little of that. We’re talking a little bit about what goes on behind the scenes from voice actors to making money.

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UsCast200x200Episode VII: What’s That Burning Sensation?

Toshi and Sarah are back and in this episode they talk about interesting happenings in Japan from weeping politicians to self-immolating protesters! Yeah, things are kinda weird over here…

Talks kind of got long, so we’ve got a brief break between our regular talk and spoiler topics.

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UsCast200x200Episode VI: It’s Your Birthday

In this episode, someone’s celebrating their existence! Join us as we talk about drinking and business etiquette, gender equality in Japan, TV and other random stuff!

Also, Sarah is currently working on filming a movie, but you can see her in her previous role here.

Note: In this episode, we spoil/talk about/mention stuff that happens in The Walking Dead, Frozen, South Park, FLCL, and of course, Supernatural.

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UsCast200x200Episode V: The Part Twoer

Toshi and Sarah return with the second half of their podcast from Tokyo and delve in head first to the most recent season of Supernatural.

So, ya know, spoiler warning and all that.

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UsCast200x200Episode IV: The Two-Parter

We kind of ran our mouths this episode and ended up talking for nearly 2 hours, but dammit Season 9 of Supernatural is over and we need to talk about it.

Fortunately, to save people from massive, massive spoilers, we’ve divided this episode into two parts.

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UsCast200x200Episode III: Come On Over

On this episode, prepare for culture shock as Sarah and Toshi are joined by their first ever guest and try to tackle an actual topic! Sarah’s good friend Allyson is visiting from the US for the first time, so what better opportunity to talk about the experience of visiting and living in Japan?

We try to talk about what to expect and what you’ll want to know before you visit this happy little Pacific island nation, plus we talk about Supernatural.

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UsCast200x200Episode II: Let It Go, Lady

On this episode, Toshi and Sarah do some free-flow conversation while exploring the drawbacks of recording in a karaoke store as they are interrupted by a singer next door who seems to have an affinity to a certain popular song…

Rather than have endless Supernatural talk scattershot throughout the recording, we’ve decided to devote an entire section to it in order to save people the pain of having us spoil everything about the latest episodes. Supernatural talk begins at 40:03

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UsCast200x200 Episode I

Welcome to the first installment of a new series called “World of UScast”.

In it, we go around the globe for new partners to bring you regular geeky podcasts and become part of the family here at Oneofus.

The first stop on our voyage is Tokyo, Japan where we stop in and visit with Sarah and Toshi who bring you…WAYWARD PODCAST!

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