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Screener Squad: Burial

Burial Movie Review


As the Russians advanced on Berlin, Adolf Hitler, hiding in his bunker, shot himself rather than face falling into Russian hands. History indicates he was cremated, and his ashes seized by the Russians, who moved them around, rather than leave them in a permanent space to allow for the creation of a memorial…Or, something like that. But, what if the Russians got there in the immediate aftermath of the suicide, and seized Hitler’s corpse? And tried to transport it back to Russia. And buried his coffin every night to keep werewolves from getting it. Except not *those kind* of werewolves… But, the Russians had Thor with them. But, not *that* Thor. And there was a dark wizard. But not really, it was just a guy who played one in some movies. Confused? Unsure if this is a supernatural horror movie? Or, a military horror movie? Or, a contemplation of the power of symbols and their use in war and peace? Well, if you listen to Wright, Bradley, Melina, and Lewayne review Burial, you probably won’t get any clear answers, but you *will* hear them talk about what’s good, what’s not so good, and what’s in the box.



STARRING: Tom Felton, Harriet Walter, Charlotte Vega, Barry Ward, Bill Milner, Dan Renton Skinner, Kristjan Üksküla, David Alexander, Niall Murphy, Ester Kuntu, Hendrik Toompere Jr. Jr., Bashka Forrest




” width=Wright Sulek (Screener Squad, Digital Noise, Highly Suspect Reviews, Trash in the Can, Audio Editor)

Wright hails from the northern suburbs of Dallas, Texas. His passion for filmmaking brought him to Austin to study and make movies. Since then he’s had his hand in acting, writing, and directing his own short films with numerous like-minded film geeks he’s met along his journey. His newest interest has brought him into the podcasting world. He co-hosted a few different movie related podcasts such as ‘And Now This’ and ‘The Match Cut’. He currently co-hosts with longtime friend, Eric Samaniego, where they talk shop about the grimiest, trashiest, lost gems of movies on their show, ‘Trash in the Can’. Wright also guests and hosts reviews on Screener Squad and Highly Suspect Reviews as well as co-hosts Digital Noise with Chris Cox.



Bradly Martin (Screener Squad, Eye on the Prize, Breakfast Pub)

Bradly Martin was born in the united states and grew up on a healthy diet of sports, films, and books. A rather shy lad who kept to himself, Bradly soon discovered the best way to know a person was to know what people liked. Throughout the years Bradly became a fan of many things and a fanatic of none. From Doctor Dre, to Doctor Strange and the who’s who of Whos. From Playstation to the Dreamcast and Marvel to DC. From LeBron James to James Bond and Lord of the Rings to Lord Palmerston (or Pitt the Elder if you agree with Wade Boggs) and is a huge fan of dad jokes and randomly obscure Simpsons references. Armed with a vast knowledge of comics, films, and pop culture. Bradly traveled the world making friends and sharing takes. As a young man Bradly married the love of his life young and grew older every year with each new child brought into the brood. If trends continue, Scientists predict that .2% of Canada (where Bradly and family reside) will be populated by Bradly’s children by the year 2029. You can hear him leading and listening to his favorite critics on the Screener Squad and Eye on the prize and maybe even provide some comments of his own.



Melina Eames (Screener Squad)

Melina first discovered that she carried the nerd gene at the tender age of four following her exposure to a little film called A New Hope. In the twenty-some years that followed, Melina continued to grow into her geek identity through the discovery of Batman, Mst3k, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and The Mandalorian. But perhaps her most significant discovery came at the age of fourteen when a night of YouTube mining led her to the review site of Melina became a devoted follower whose fandom did not end with the site’s demise. By then, it had worked its dark magic and left her with a love and appreciation for film criticism that she has yet to shrug.



Lewayne White (Screener Squad)

Lewayne’s earliest memories are of watching movies and reading comics, which instilled in him a sense of wonder, a vivid imagination, and unrealistic expectations. It also means he spends a lot of time watching movies, writing scripts for them, and trying to get them made. He lives in the middle of middle America after landing there as a child, and has remained there mainly because he hates packing.



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