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Screener Squad: Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches

Anne Rice's The Mayfair Witches Series Review


The adaptations of Anne Rice continues in the AMC presentation of Mayfair Witches, the follow up to Interview with the Vampire in Anne Rice’s Immortal Universe. Rowan (Alexandra Daddario) is a neurosurgeon on bereavement after her adoptive mother passes away. In her grieving she will return to New Orleans in search of her biological mother who holds the figurative key to Rowan’s mysterious superpowers and the literal key to Rowans big-ass inherited New Orleans estate. An extravagance of wealth isn’t the only thing tied to the Mayfair name. Rowan also has a curse in the form of a suave supernatural servant named Lasher (Jack Huston) who’s been doing the Mayfair matriarchs bidding for over a century. The more things change however, the more they stay the same.  A witch-watching group has kept their eyes on the Mayfairs and a special agent named Ciprien (Tongayi Chirisa) will team up with Rowan to help her discover the truth of her power before that power changes her. It’s a tale of murder, mystery, lore, and legacy in Anne Rice’s The Mayfair Witches. Bradly, Matt Foster, Kim, and Sarah brew a stew with eyes of newt and speculative discussion on how the witches fare after the vampire’s interview.


CREATED BY: Esta Spalding and Michelle Ashford

STARRING: Alexandra Daddario, Tongayi Chirisa, Jack Huston, Harry Hamlin, Beth Grant, Erica Gimpel, Annabeth Gish, Geraldine Singer, Hannah Alline, Ravi Naidu, Jen Richards, Keyara Milliner, Charlayne Woodard, Suleka Mathew, Madison Wolfe, Dennis Boutsikaris, Emma Rose Smith, Ian Hoch




Bradly Martin (Screener Squad, Eye on the Prize, Breakfast Pub)

Bradly Martin was born in the united states and grew up on a healthy diet of sports, films, and books. A rather shy lad who kept to himself, Bradly soon discovered the best way to know a person was to know what people liked. Throughout the years Bradly became a fan of many things and a fanatic of none. From Doctor Dre, to Doctor Strange and the who’s who of Whos. From Playstation to the Dreamcast and Marvel to DC. From LeBron James to James Bond and Lord of the Rings to Lord Palmerston (or Pitt the Elder if you agree with Wade Boggs) and is a huge fan of dad jokes and randomly obscure Simpsons references. Armed with a vast knowledge of comics, films, and pop culture. Bradly traveled the world making friends and sharing takes. As a young man Bradly married the love of his life young and grew older every year with each new child brought into the brood. If trends continue, Scientists predict that .2% of Canada (where Bradly and family reside) will be populated by Bradly’s children by the year 2029. You can hear him leading and listening to his favorite critics on the Screener Squad and Eye on the prize and maybe even provide some comments of his own.



Matt Foster (Screener Squad)

Matt Foster is a stand up comic, podcaster, and movie critic currently living in the greater Salt Lake City area. His lifelong love of genre film began early, when he realized they freaked out his mom. He performs (epidemics permitting) regularly on Dungeons and Comedy, a DND live play with standup comedians, and is the slightly less mustache-y half of the Nighthawks Podcast, a cinema-centric discussion cohosted by Trevor T. Trujillo.




Kimberly Brown (Highly Suspect Reviews)

Kimberly wants to live in a world filled with blue telephone boxes, speedsters, and ice dragons but through an ironic twist of fate, she’s stuck in this reality where these wondrous things only exist on page or film. Kim’s perpetual desire to consume sci-fi and fantasy media as a teen led her to the study of illustration/design at university to better understand its creation. Currently an Austin transplant, when she’s not wearing her critic hat you can find her pretending to like hiking, fielding questions about her hair or maybe even enjoying a local brew at the nearest dive bar.



Sarah Jane (Highly Suspect Reviews, Screener Squad)

Sarah Jane was born and raised in Southern California but currently calls Austin, TX her home. She’s seen over 5,700 movies so far with zero plans on stopping. She has a penchant for all things exploitation, and she loves Godzilla with all her heart. Her favorite films are Deep Red, Le Samourai, and Miller’s Crossing. When she isn’t watching movies, she’s busy herding her four cats, her husband, and her 11-year-old kiddo. She’s been a contributor to TalkFilmSociety, Daily Grindhouse, FThisMovie!, Looper, and the Austin Chronicle. You can find her on Twitter and Letterboxd at @fookthis.



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