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Screener Squad: Trunk – Locked In

Trunk - Locked In Review


Trunk – Locked In is a new thriller streaming on Amazon Prime Video. A German film, this movie is relentless in its pacing. Right out of the gate we meet Malina, in a trunk, dazed and confused. Someone has abducted her for reasons that are unclear but through a bunch of visuals, a cell phone, and her wits, Malina starts to figure out the puzzle. This movie is a tight 90 minutes and doesn’t let up for a moment. It’s not perfect, but what it lacks visually is made up for with decent storytelling. Shout out to the SFX department, there’s some really good practical effects in this. So let’s hang out with Mike and Chad while they try to rescue Melina out of another trunk so she can partake in this review.


DIRECTED BY: Marc Schießer

STARRING: Sina Martens, Luise Helm, Artjom Gilz, Charles Rettinghaus, Janina Sachau, Poal Cairo




Chad Halvorsen (Screener Squad)

Chad Halvorsen currently resides in Milwaukee, WI, where he produces and edits commercials, films, and everything in between. He was always a fan of film/television growing up, spending days in the Summer, making (terrible) home movies with his brothers. Little did he know that passion would carry on into adulthood. Since 2006, Chad has worked for several agencies in various departments. Shooting, producing, editing, production management, directing, and when forced to, writing copy. In 2015, Chad decided to take the big leap and become a freelancer. Since then, he’s produced content for Lyft, AT&T, Target, and Discovery Network. His passion lies in entertaining people, making them feel better, even for a moment. All the pain and suffering of this business is worth it, if even just one person views his work. Chad is a frequent podcaster, most notably posing as a co-host for the podcast “The Film Illogical Society.”


Melina Eames (Screener Squad)

Melina first discovered that she carried the nerd gene at the tender age of four following her exposure to a little film called A New Hope. In the twenty-some years that followed, Melina continued to grow into her geek identity through the discovery of Batman, Mst3k, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and The Mandalorian. But perhaps her most significant discovery came at the age of fourteen when a night of YouTube mining led her to the review site of Melina became a devoted follower whose fandom did not end with the site’s demise. By then, it had worked its dark magic and left her with a love and appreciation for film criticism that she has yet to shrug.



Mike J. McAllister (Screener Squad, Staff Writer, Head Video Editor)

Mike J. McAllister is a filmmaker, editor, writer and animator. He is also a film junkie, dog lover and Surge-aholic (Hi, Mike). He grew up in a small town in Western Pennsylvania, where he earned the reputation as the “human IMDb” and was on a first-name basis with every video store clerk in town. He later studied film in Pittsburgh. He has since written several unproduced screenplays and TV pilots. He has also produced a number of short films, some of which have appeared in festivals across the country. He is a ninja with Final Cut Pro and is armed with a mind full of mostly useless pop-culture trivia. He also enjoys animation, MST3K, classic video games and being the “music geek” among his friends (which really just means he buys vinyl and listens to music that doesn’t come from an anime soundtrack). He resides in Austin, Texas, and can be followed on the Instamagrams at @ohheyitsmikejm.



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