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Screener Squad: Maybe I Do

Maybe I Do Movie Review


There comes a time in every cisgendered, white male’s, life where he has to settle down with an equally boring cisgendered, white, woman. At least, in this universe, the woman is expecting a lifelong commitment, but that comes to halt when Allen (Luke Bracey) intercepts the bouquet at a wedding, creating a rift in what seems to be a pretty solid relationship with Michelle (Emma Roberts). Michelle wants commitment but Allen isn’t sure. You soon see why when you meet Allen’s parents, played by Susan Sarandon and William H. Macy, who have nothing but contempt in each other, but agree the best thing in their life is Allen. On Michelle’s side, you have Richard Gere and Diane Keaton who are just sort of there, but their firm commitment to love, marriage, two becoming one… you can see why Michelle is wedding obsessed. Anyways, a big ol’ wrench is thrown in when the couple decides that the parents should meet. Based off a play by Michael Jacobs (who also wrote/directed the film), Maybe I Do is very telegraphed, but has some shining moments. Kim, Sarah Jane, Frank, and Chad discuss tropes and maybe figure out why Richard Gere looks so fucking tired in this.


DIRECTED BY: Michael Jacobs

STARRING: Luke Bracey, Emma Roberts, Diane Keaton, Richard Gere, William H. Macy, Susan Sarandon, Mezi Atwood, Natalie Ortega, Azriél Patricia




Chad Halvorsen (Screener Squad)

Chad Halvorsen currently resides in Milwaukee, WI, where he produces and edits commercials, films, and everything in between. He was always a fan of film/television growing up, spending days in the Summer, making (terrible) home movies with his brothers. Little did he know that passion would carry on into adulthood. Since 2006, Chad has worked for several agencies in various departments. Shooting, producing, editing, production management, directing, and when forced to, writing copy. In 2015, Chad decided to take the big leap and become a freelancer. Since then, he’s produced content for Lyft, AT&T, Target, and Discovery Network. His passion lies in entertaining people, making them feel better, even for a moment. All the pain and suffering of this business is worth it, if even just one person views his work. Chad is a frequent podcaster, most notably posing as a co-host for the podcast “The Film Illogical Society.”



Kimberly Brown (Highly Suspect Reviews)

Kimberly wants to live in a world filled with blue telephone boxes, speedsters, and ice dragons but through an ironic twist of fate, she’s stuck in this reality where these wondrous things only exist on page or film. Kim’s perpetual desire to consume sci-fi and fantasy media as a teen led her to the study of illustration/design at university to better understand its creation. Currently an Austin transplant, when she’s not wearing her critic hat you can find her pretending to like hiking, fielding questions about her hair or maybe even enjoying a local brew at the nearest dive bar.



Sarah Jane (Highly Suspect Reviews, Screener Squad)

Sarah Jane was born and raised in Southern California but currently calls Austin, TX her home. She’s seen over 5,700 movies so far with zero plans on stopping. She has a penchant for all things exploitation, and she loves Godzilla with all her heart. Her favorite films are Deep Red, Le Samourai, and Miller’s Crossing. When she isn’t watching movies, she’s busy herding her four cats, her husband, and her 11-year-old kiddo. She’s been a contributor to TalkFilmSociety, Daily Grindhouse, FThisMovie!, Looper, and the Austin Chronicle. You can find her on Twitter and Letterboxd at @fookthis.



Frank Calvillo (Highly Suspect Reviews, Screener Squad)

Born and raised in South Texas, Frank currently lives in Austin and has been in love with movies ever since his father showed him some Three Stooges shorts when he was five years old. Today he loves all kinds of film, regardless of era, country, budget or genre. He believes every film has an audience and is at least one person’s favorite movie. After writing for Sight & Sound and Slackerwood, he now writes for Cinapse where his increasingly random taste in all flavors of cinema (from Rashomon to Mars Attacks!) continues to thrive. His ultimate goal is to write a script for his boyhood crush, Michelle Pfeiffer.



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