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Deliberations of Doom Vol 3 Ep 7: Found Footage Pt 1

Deliberations of Doom Found Footage Part 1


It took us awhile but we finally got here. It’s our trio of podcasts about found footage horror films. And we’re going to kick it off with the 1992 pitch black horror comedy classic from France, Man Bites Dog. Naturally, whether we wanted to or not, with this topic we have to get to 1999’s The Blair Witch Project next and then it’s off to the races with the Spanish Rec and Rec 2 for the win.




Photo on 2011-10-02 at 13.02Christopher Lawrence Cox (Founder, Da Boss)

Born in the wilds of northern Virginia, Chris managed to put all of his survival skills to use and barely escaped with his life to Austin Texas in 1992 where ever since he’s dabbled in everything from plumber’s assistant to sandwich maker, from band to bar management. An opportunity to see theatrical release films for free by becoming a critic on a local public access show called “The Reel Deal” turned into a full-time job when Chris and his friends decided to take it to the internet. They built the site, adding multiple podcasts and animated features, to no small amount of success. During this time, a fortuitous friendship sprung up between Chris and young Brian Salisbury, who was also a local film critic, and they merged their forces of will, and their laundry list of ideas for shows, to eventually build this community of critics. While Brian eventually followed his heart to a new family, Chris continues on with a cast of colorful folks from all over the country (and a few others). You can also check out Chris in his videocast, along with Martin Thomas and Danni Danger, that One Of Us does with our friends at Bell of Lost Souls: Crossover Event. He also regularly guests on the video game website Rage Select. Follow Chris on Twitter and Facebook and check out his Amazon Wish List.



Madelynne Fontenot (Deliberations of Doom, Highly Suspect Reviews)

Madelynne is a bayou-sourced, Seattle-born Austinite babe. Raised a nerd since birth, she gets very excited about science, does her best to know a little bit about everything, and is fluent in both English and French. When not at her day job, Madelynne spends most of her time trying to catch up on TV series that she has yet to finish because she keeps starting them from the beginning, snuggling her two miniature dachshunds, glaring at watercolor paintings she will eventually finish, and deciding whether to play Animal Crossing or World of Warcraft, all of this usually with a sour beer or glass of wine in-hand. She has an obsession with all things iridescent and holographic, and you’d never know it by the way she dresses, but her favorite color is in fact pink, and not black. She has had a very book-oriented life up to this point and is on a journey to expand her movie horizons.



Chris HAlan Galinsky (Highly Suspect Reviews, Screener Squad, Deliberations of Doom)

Born and raised in Texas, Alan Galinsky is a lifetime movie fan. As a youth, he would rent multiple movies every weekend and go to the theater for the latest releases, and that pace has remained steady. When Alan isn’t watching movies, you can find him talking about movies. When he’s not talking about movies, you can find him playing music in the band Delicate Boys.



” width=Drew Tinnin (Screener Squad, Highly Suspect Reviews, Deliberations of Doom)

Drew Tinnin is a Rondo Award nominated interviewer and critic who has worked at SiriusXM’s Fangoria Radio and Fangoria magazine in NYC, as well as the London-based Dazed Digital. Currently a regular contributor to the Dread Central Network, he’s excited to join up with some old friends and other film fans on One of Us as a new contributor to Screener Squad.




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