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Screener Squad: Yummy

Yummy Movie Review


In this Dutch zom-com, Allison wants smaller breasts. The filmmakers disapprove of someone getting smaller breasts. Allison and her family are punished for their transgression. That’s the loose strokes. The more in-depth picture is, these folks go to an Eastern Europen plastic surgery hospital that, for some reason, is experimenting with zombie tech, and everything goes sideways, in exactly the way it always does. That’s pretty much it. Chris, Lewayne, London, and Matt have thoughts. Some serious thoughts.


DIRECTED BY:Lars Damoiseaux

STARRING: Maaike Neuville, Bart Hollanders, Benjamin Ramon, Clara Cleymans, Annick Christiaens, Eric Godon, Joshua Rubin, Taeke Nicolai, Tom Audenaert, Noureddine Farihi, Dimiti “Vegas” Thivaios, Louise Bergez, Stijn Van Opstal, Isabelle van Hecke, Hannelore Vens

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