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Star Trek Beyond Trailer Reaction

No, this ain’t no mirage. There’s a new trailer for Star Trek Beyond, the third entry in the rebooted film franchise and the entry in the Trek canon that will celebrate the sci-fi entity’s 50th anniversary. All the players are back; Chris Pine as Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Dr. Spock, Karl Urban as Bones, Simon Pegg as Scotty, Zoe Saldana as Uhura, Anton Yelchin as Chekov and John Cho as Sulu. Trek ’09 and Star Trek Into Darknes director JJ Abrams is still on as a producer, but he was a bit too busy with another sci-fi franchise to direct this one (I believe it was… a new Alf movie). Instead, director Justin Lin (of the 4th, 5th and 6th Fast & Furious franchise) will take helm of the latest adventure of the Starship Enterprise. The trailer can be viewed below;


Well… that looked like fun, didn’t it? The use of Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage” (which played a role in the ’09 reboot) gave the trailer an energetic & lively tone. This helps liven up the action and character interactions, the latter of which seems to showcase Simon Pegg’s comedic work on the screenplay. Plus, even with the problems I had with something like Wrath of Khan Remix  Star Trek Into Darkness, this reboot cast still has a phenomenal rapport with each other and a solid reign on who these characters are. The newcomers involved are also played by some capable actors under heavy make up: Idris Elba as our villain and Kingsman‘s Sofia Boutella as a mysterious alien out to help our crew. They seem to be quite mobile in their action scene moments, which showcase Justin Lin’s talent for elaborate stunts and character interaction. It just made me thankful that Lin replaced previous Trek writer Roberto Orci as director, who would have likely given us a disaster of a third entry. At least with Lin   who brought life back to a pretty dull franchise with Fast and Furious   this franchise has a chance of getting some steam back in it. Or we could get a repeat of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Star Trek Beyond beams up on July 22, 2016.

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