Trailer Reaction: The Martian
An adaption of Andy Weir’s self-published novel of the same name, The Martian follows an American astronaut who is accidently left behind on Mars by… Read More »Trailer Reaction: The Martian
An adaption of Andy Weir’s self-published novel of the same name, The Martian follows an American astronaut who is accidently left behind on Mars by… Read More »Trailer Reaction: The Martian
Finally! Ridley Scott has brought to the screen the unheralded story ripped from the Banksy Bible. The heroic tale of how one revolutionary street artist… Read More »Highly Suspect Reviews: ‘Exodus’
The horror genre is in trouble. Sure, it’s a genre that’s been suffering for some time now, but this year has been especially bad when… Read More »The Body-Horror Films You Need to Watch
The Alien series has been one of those mishandled franchises that has been continuously kicked around and abused for decades. Still, hope rises anew, even… Read More »Could ‘Alien: Isolation’ Be the Rebirth of a Horror Icon?