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Art Contest: You Decide The Winner! VOTE NOW!!!

We put out the call, and Us Nation responded with the talent and fervor we’ve come to expect. Your submissions for OneOfUsNet’s very first art contest were fantastic! We really appreciate the care and passion you put into these entries.


We’ve narrowed the field down to six finalists, but choosing one winner became too damn difficult.

Therefore, we’re leaving it up to you! Take a look at the finalists below and cast your vote in the comment section below. Just leave a comment with the number that corresponds with your favorite piece of artwork. We’ll then tally the votes and select a winner by next week.

 Behold the gallery, and vote away!



OneOfUs_MattHaworth_Fanart-1          digi noise poster

1                                                                                                     2

Empty Space

ITL 8 Bit Fan Art          OOU 8 Bit

3                                                                                                    4

Empty Space


Empty Space

the stooges-1