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Highly Suspect Reviews: The Fate of the Furious

Eight. How the hell are there eight Fast and the Furious films? Why? Because of groups of people like us keep LOVING THE ($#% out of them! Not ‘so bad it’s good’ so much as ‘big, dumb, and perfectly executed for maximum fun’, the series has regardless certainly had its ups and downs. This time, Jason Statham gets slid from the ‘bad guy’ category to the ‘family’ category (you knew it was coming), Vin Diesel has a secret with Charlize Theron and he has to betray his family, and lots of spy shit happens. Things blow up, Lamborghinis fall from the sky, dogs and cats sleeping together, total anarchy. But is it enjoyable? Chris, Richard, Harris, Joe and Brian (that’s right, BRIAN) give it a look-see.

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