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Digital Noise Ep 145: Walkin’ in a Beery Wonderland

Chris and Marco have the controls this week as they review the best (and some of the worst) in recent blu-ray and dvd releases. Check out what they talk about below and be sure to use the images, which link to their amazon pages, to buy all your christmas presents this year through as we get a nice reward for it!

blufindingdoryreview   bluspacejamreview   blusecretlifepetsreview

Empty Space

bluninelivesreview   blumorphinedreamsreview   bluwertwistedsisterreview

Empty Space

bludeepwebreview   blurifftraxmst3kreunionreview   blutwilightzonecompletereview

Empty Space

blutheitcrowdreview   blumorissamericareview   bluindignationreview

Empty Space

bluchildhoodleaderreview   blujudgearcherreview   bluhandsofstonereview

Empty Space

blucoffeecigarettesreview   blutaxidriver40threview   blufuryroadbandcreview

Empty Space

blukillbilliesreview   blutheinitiationreview   bludontbreathereview

Empty Space

bluwardogsreview   bluhellhighwaterreview

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