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Digital Noise Episode 130: Joe Poops his Pants…a lot

It’s not easy being Joe. This is the lesson we can take away from this week’s episode of Digital Noise. That and if anything scary happens, you probably don’t want to be standing TOO close to him. But Joe and Chris are in close proximity as they review a stack of movie and tv blu-rays and tv shows this week. And what’s this…THREE giveaways? You guys are crazy.

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Empty Space

BluFlight7500Review   BluTheZeroBoysReview   BluBacktrackReview

Empty Space

BluDriftlessAreaReview   BluTheRevenantReview   BluLadyCarGlassesGunReview

Empty Space

BluDillingerReview   BluOutlawGangsterVIPReview   BluEastSideSushiReview

Empty Space

BluDrunkStonedDeadReview   BluVeepS4Review   BluSiliconValleyS2Review

Empty Space



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