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Public Axis #108: Starr Mazer with Don Thacker & Auston Montville

Video Game Tunes! The Absolute Filthiest! Diet Smashing Food Stuffs! A tall, crisp and milky surprise is in store for you in Public Axis featuring the key talent behind the upcoming indie game, Starr Mazer!

Recorded on February 19th, 2015 at the Public Axis F-Stop.

00:00 Welcome to the F-Stop!  This week, we have a special phone-conference with the team leads of the upcoming (and successfully Kickstarted) game, Starr Mazer; designer/writer/director Don Thacker and game developer Auston Montville. We chat up this amazing game’s roots, development and ties to Thacker’s movie, Motivational Growthwhich we are big fans of (and you should be too.) By all means, head over to and keep the game pushing toward its stretch goals!

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25:43 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat!  The first stretch goals of Starr Mazer allow the team to acquire the musical compositions of over twenty guest chiptune and synthpop artists! Which inspires Topic #1: What is your favorite music from a video game or video game series?

40:51  Dad’s Corner(ed)!  Topic #2: Give an example of your filthiest. (Interpret that as you may.) #poopmilk

1:04:04 Hey, That’s Not Funny!  Topic #3: What restaurant is the biggest temptation when you are trying to eat healthy?

1:25:12 What Did We Come to Know? Public Axis is an educational program and at the end, we always ask our guests and listeners, “What did you come to know?” Enlighten yourself.

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