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Highly Suspect Reviews: ‘Seventh Son’

Remember in the mid-80’s when sword and sorcery movies were coming out as fast and furious as, well, Fast and Furious movies do today? When we had films that weren’t exactly ‘classics’ per se, but were audience-pleasers for those of us in the dice-rolling set who would sneak out under the oppressive thumb of a anti-nerd dominated society in order to get our fix? No, now that I look at our age range demographics, you almost certainly don’t remember that, but there were films we held high like Krull, The Sword and the Sorcerer and Ladyhawke. Trust me, we liked ’em. Don’t judge.

In this era, entertainment such as The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones set such a high and poetic bar to reach for cinematic fantasy in the modern age that most of the competition (what there was of it) didn’t see fit to aspire to try. Seventh Son is not a movie that is trying to match those lauded entries in fantasy either, but has its strategy down pat nonetheless. More like the quick-and-fun, dice-and-entice 80’s films, this movie starring Ben Barnes as the seventh son of a seventh son who becomes the apprentice to a powerful but aging knight (Jeff Bridges) who must battle a evil witch queen (Julianne Moore), has simpler aspirations.

And lest you think we are all of one mind, clearly the reviews out there will show it is not so. Even THIS review shows it is not so. So pack your rations, backpack, and whetstone, and join the Unusual Suspects, if you will dear listener, on a voyage into a world where Brian, Chris and Diva make a savings throw for fantasy nostalgia.


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