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Public Axis #99: Jaffer Khan

The Best Teen Movies! The Largest Love Lies! The Spiciest Food Stuffs! Mythbust the Friend Zone with Public Axis and guest Jaffer Khan!

Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on November 20th, 2014.

00:00 Welcome to the F-Stop!  This week, we welcome comedian Jaffer Khan, runner up in the 2014 Funniest Person in South Texas and co-host of Podcast in a Car. Mighty good times ensue.

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17:47 Yeah, Aiight Den!  Topic #1: What is your favorite teen movie? ERMERGERRRD! Inspired by the film, The Duff (Designated Ugly Fat Friend).

46:14  Dad’s Corner(ed)!  Topic #2: What’s the worst lie you’ve told to someone you were attracted to?

1:17:18 Hey, That’s Not Funny!  Topic #3: What is the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? Inspired by the spice. The SPICE!

1:41:41 What Did We Come to Know? Public Axis is an educational program and at the end, we always ask our guests and listeners, “What did you come to know?” Enlighten yourself.

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