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Public Axis #89: Kris Phipps & Brant Bumpers

Job Site Horrors! 4th Grade Reflections! Inspirational Teachers! Deep, dark and hilarious times on Public Axis with Kris Phipps and Brant Bumpers!

Recorded at the Pubic Axis F-Stop on August 28th, 2014.

00:00 Welcome to the F-Stop!  This week, we have filmmaker Kris Phipps on board talking up his short, The Dark Walk Backward, starring one of our best friends and frequent guest Brant Bumpers!

19:23 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat!  Topic #1:  Share your worst job-related horror story! (Inspired by the indie game, Five Nights at Freddy’s.)

1:01:01 Dad’s Corner(ed)! Topic #2: How would your parents describe you in the 4th grade in one paragraph? (Inspired by a back to school assignment for Larry’s daughter.)

1:23:23 Hey, That’s Not Funny! Topic #3: Did you ever have a truly inspirational teacher?Tell us how they inspired you! (Inspired by an article on the classifications of an inspirational teacher.)

1:58:29 What Did We Come to Know? Public Axis is an educational program and at the end, we always ask our guests and listeners, “What did you come to know?” Enlighten yourself.

Again, thanks for listening! As always, be sure to check out BLOOD COUSINS, our first feature film! It is waiting for you at! A movie of comedy, terror and revenge – a MUST SEE for fans of this show! Use the promo code FIESTATUBE and score it for $5!

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