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OneOfUs.SHOW: Horror Filmmaker Dre Boulet

Welcome to OneOfUs.Net’s interview series OneOfUs.SHOW. We’ll be covering a wide range of niche interests; sampling a plethora of geek universes with the help of some excellent guests.

For this installment of OneOfUs.SHOW, I’ll be chatting with horror filmmaker Andrea “Dre” Boulet. Her latest short, Dead Field, has just been accepted to Montreal Horror Fest during Montreal Comic-Con.

Dre and I delve into the passion for visual storytelling, the unusual films that directly inspired her, and the challenges she faces as a female horror director.

unnamed Dead Field 1

Listen to the episode and check out the trailer for Dead Field below. If you happen to be in Montreal on Saturday September 13th, check out Dead Field during MCC at 7:15pm.

Dead Field Trailer from Dre Boulet on Vimeo.Empty SpaceShows

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