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Ash & Fern: An Apology

Dear Television-Watching Community,

I am sorry. I am truly, truly sorry for your loss, especially since it is, in part, my fault.

I am the person who keeps thinking that I just don’t have the time for anything else, let alone a weekly commitment to something that I know I’ll be hooked on. So again, I’m sorry I never watched Community.


Now, because of me, it’s gone.


I’m so sorry, Abed. Let me try to explain.


Joni Mitchell was really onto something when she said you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.  I always knew I’d enjoy Community as a show, but like many other shows, I took for granted that it would make its run, and I’d be able to enjoy it in marathon DVD or Netflix sessions. I never thought that one of the most acclaimed comedies would see such an early death, and I’d be left thinking what ifs.


Forgive me, Troy!


Notice that I’m the one who has to make this apology. Fern has been a Community supporter from the beginning. It was from her that I first heard how amazingly funny and witty it was.  It was her who kept talking about about this Abed person who was her new favorite person. Fern is the right one, I am the wrong one in this situation, but I want you to understand that I really, really am very repentant over here. I plan on looking for absolution by watching the first few episodes this weekend.



P.S. Let me know if there’s another thing I should be watching so that I won’t feel guilty if it’s cancelled. I promise to try and work it into my schedule.

Empty Space

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