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ITL Tournament Edition: Sword-And-Sandal Movies

From within that steel gym receptacle, the sound rises; giving way to rumbling, and finally thrashing. The meager lock cannot hope to contain the resurgent force due to burst forth. Brace yourselves for the return of Inside The Locker!!!

After a SxSW-induced hiatus, your favorite sports nerds are back with a brand new Totally Accurate, Desperately Necessary Movie Elimination Tournament! As March Madness begins, these tourneys are heating up. This week, a grand champion is crowned in the uber macho subgenre that is sword-and-sandal flicks.

Ramon Ramirez, from The Austin-American Statesman and our very first Movie Elimination Tournament, is back to once again serve as the referee as the Sweet 16 of sweaty, steel-swinging, open-toed epics are pitted against one another in bloody combat until only one remains standing. Quite fitting given the category really.

Give a listen and please do share the link around if you dig it. Think there were any glaring omissions? Unhappy with the grand champion? Leave your comments below!


War is hell, let’s get to it.

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Sword-and-Sandal Elimination Tournament  (10:57)

The starting bracket is pictured below. If you want to see the results (and spoil the fun before you even listen to the show…for shame), click on the image to reveal a filled-in version of the bracket.



Next Week’s Tournament: Cop Movies

Shit got real


Make sure to follow us on Twitter. Not doing so would be as illogical as The Scorpion King being voted into this tourn–well, you know what I mean.

Scorpion King derp

The Show Account–@ITLCast