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The Doctor wears Prada – twelfth Doctor outfit revealed

The BBC have released the first official image of Peter Capaldi in full costume as the twelfth Doctor which you can check out below.



It’s stylish and simplistic and I am very happy about it. It immediately points to a no nonsense, more mature Doctor. It also channels the Third Doctor Jon Pertwee.

Detractors on the internet have grumbled that it is too simplistic, that there’s no iconic piece or that it is too similar to the Eleventh Doctor’s final outfit. Whilst a comparison can be drawn, why can’t the Doctor be influenced by the previous outfit. Perhaps he liked the cut, or the length?

When eleven’s costume was revealed we (the general naysayers of internet) complained that it was dull. There was no praising of the “iconic bow tie” because it was Matt that made it iconic. I think some people were so caught up in the way they wanted that they can’t remove themselves from that. A constant scarf would never work and I don’t believe it would suit this Doctor. The more casual, cardigan style was interesting but I’m very happy with the new direction of the Doctor or perhaps a return to a more classical feel that is arguably quite daring for the show to do now given it’s audience. I commend them.

What do you make of the Eleventh Doctor? Comment below.