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Movie Review: ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’

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A new era begins at A time involving a gang of ne’er do wells who have gathered to tell you of the now. A list of rather unusual suspects bringing you…Highly Suspect Reviews!

Our first foray in the world of theatrical release reviews is for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Join Christopher Lawrence Cox, Martin Thomas, Beau Paul, and Brian Salisbury as they negotiate the tricksy waters of the second prequel to their precious LOTR films.

And this is only the first review…and only the first line-up. is determined to build our own community within the community of dedicated film reviewers that will rotate in and out…with many familiar voices appearing and becoming new members of the Unusual Suspects team.

So please, check out our first review right here and keep your eyes peeled for further developments from Highly Suspect Reviews. For example, listen to this installment to find out how YOU can help us decide on our rating scale! For now, things are a bit…arbitrary.