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That’s Web-tastic! – The First Salvo

Hello and welcome to One of Us’ brand new weekend feature, That’s Web-tastic! Starting with this inaugural edition, Mr. Chris Harrison and I will compete to find something we believe makes this whole internet thing worth it. We want to demonstrate why, after all the YouTube comment sections, echo-chamber news reporting, and anonymous ad hominem attacks on various social media sites, this little thing called the internet is still the one of the best things ever to happen in human history. A lofty goal no doubt, but we’re pretty good at this stuff.

Is it a real competition? Who can say? Is anyone keeping score? Probably not! Will there be prizes? Don’t count on it!

My entry this week is a brilliant Gravity parody video that beautifully depicts a situation I find myself suffering through often. As a twenty-something with little money and even less aesthetic taste, I rely on IKEA for many of my home furnishing needs. The problem is that unless I go alone or handcuff myself to whoever I’m with, inevitably someone is going to get lost. If you’re anything like me, you fruitlessly call your companion even though you know IKEA is the world’s most profitable dead zone. Hell, even if you do get an answer, how are you going to find your way to the Snguelfeld entertainment centers when you’re all the way with the Hah0dgh7m!o$h kitchen tables?!

Note: Swedish is a beautiful language and I encourage everyone to learn it.

People like me wring their hands and curse the rotten name of any deity they can recall. People like Daniel Hubbard write, direct, and star in excellently produced parody videos to vent their frustrations. Check out Hubbard’s IKEA below:



You gotta hand it to me Chris, that is quite web-tastic. Whaddaya got for me?

So often Dimitry, we recall horror stories using the Internet and yes, this is certainly spot on. However, my choice this week highlights that there is still hope for the human race and that the internet can still be used to bring some joy (well, that’s how it makes me feel anyway)

I’ve got a bit of an obsession for ‘Call me Maybe’ parodies. I can’t quite explain why, but I guess it’s that kind of catchy tune that is easily applied to other subjects. However, my choice this week is this fantastic chat Roulette video featuring internet user Steve Kardynal. Chat Roulette has this reputation of being purely for sex pests but this parodies that mentality and I love how people begin to join in and have an innocent laugh. Perhaps humanity isn’t lost after all?


It’s the closest to real life we’ve come to a musical and it’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face. admit it. ADMIT IT! It’s totally Web-Tastic, Dimitry.

Well, we’ll leave the decision to the fans out there. Which of these two videos deserves the honorific label of web-tastic? Let us know in the comments!