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Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Trailer

This week, the trailer for the 50th Anniversary of Doctor was released. Not to be confused with the trailer for the 50 Anniversary episode, which is still to come.

This trailer, aimed to tease the Anniversary special but pay homage to the 50 years of Doctor Who, not an easy feat considering the video itself is a mere one minute long. For the most part, I think they succeeded. This was one the most exciting, well produced trailers I’ve seen and incredibly tantalising content for Doctor Who.

Of course, there are omissions which stand out. Certain Doctors get more screen time than others. In particular, The second and eighth are scarcely featured. However, I found the silhouetted second Doctor to be quite effective and evocative. The eighth Doctor, not so much. I get that the older Doctors only have a certain amount of material that can potentially be usable given they are no longer with us, but Paul McGann is not only here but still working as the Doctor. Couldn’t they have got better source material for him?

I’m pretty sure McGann can be heard during the monologue however, over Matt Smith and that leads to the most exciting thing about the trailer – it was packed with so much content over the 50 years that it is impossible to catch it all in one go.

Source: BBC

What say you? Did you catch all the hidden content? Did you enjoy the trailer? Comment below.