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ITL Summerslam Commentary–Listen Live!

Slide on your spandex, tape up your elbows, and prepare your best in-ring insults. Inside the Locker is headed to Summerslam! We will be broadcasting a live commentary for the WWE Pay-Per-View with the locker gents as well as Amanda Arias from Geek Bombast’s All Rings Considered.

We’ll be breaking down every match, discussing our favorite wrestlers from years past, and being generally drunk and disorderly. Can’t afford the Pay-Per-View? No sweat, you can still tune in for our live (and completely free) commentary. Don’t be a heel, join us for WWE Summerslam!

Just check back to this post Sunday, August 18th at 6:00pm central.  Can’t join us live? Fear not, we’ll post the commentary as its own podcast later.

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