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Digital Noise S2 Ep126: Joe’s Carnival of Beer and Blood

Chris and Joe really have their hands full this week with one helluva lot of titles to review but they do so with grace, aplomb, and notably, some degree of speed. Not only do you get all these recommendations, but the winner of our giveaway this week gets TWO titles. What are you waiting for? Tune into DIGITAL NOISE!

NOTE: The Witch That Came From the Sea, Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood, and The Premonition are all sold as one boxset called The American Horror Project Volume 1.

ReviewSteveJobs   ReviewMyAllAmerican   ReviewSecretInTheirEyes

Empty Space

ReviewMarshland   ReviewComingHome   ReviewShebaBaby

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ReviewThePremonition   ReviewWitchWhoCameFromSea   ReviewMalatestasCarnival

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ReviewRacingExtinction   ReviewSpotlight   ReviewISmileBack

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ReviewGoodDinosaur   ReviewRoom   ReviewCreed

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ReviewMacbeth   ReviewSisters   ReviewJLCosmicClash

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ReviewIntruders   ReviewVictoriaBlu   ReviewSpoilsofBabylon

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ReviewGameOfThronesS5   ReviewUnauthorizedCollection   ReviewManhattanS2

Empty Space

ReviewYuGiOhS3   ReviewDigimonFusionS2

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